Helgi is a fresh and emerging brand of digital audio and video solutions, in Europe (helgi-europe.com).
Helgi in the last few years has launched different models of smart IFPs (Interactive Flat Panel Displays). Nowadays, IFP are used in every kind of market, Education and Business, for different scenarios like meeting, info point or digital signage.

The market usually chooses easy-to-use and smartest products so manufaturers has to improves their products and add services everyday.
Helgi has choosen the simplicity of Ermetix MDM to give the remote and massive IFP management in the hands of their clients.
What have we done?
Our team has certified all the Ermetix MDM standard features on all the HELGI’s IFP models and all the Android versions starting from Lollipop:
- apply restrictions
- monitor devices’ status
- deploy contents
- install or uninstall apps
- protect privacy
- set configurations
- block a single app or site in kiosk mode
- send alerts and alarms
- increase security
- streamline management and user experience
In additional, our team has worked in touch with HELGI one to add additional functionalities like:
- scheduling power-on, power-off
- control audio settings
- change video input source
- change video settings
- firmware update management
- PC module power management
- remote screen control
- touch lock
- screenlight time
- first configuration zero-touch
- redeem licenses
Ermetix MDM is an EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management) solution that is able to guarantee the control of mobile devices, IFPs and VRs visors because:
- streamlines management of iOS, iPadOS, tvOS and Android devices with zero-touch deployments
- is an Android Enterprise validated solution (Google Enterprise Solutions) and its also completely integrated with Apple services
- works on all Android devices even though Google Play Services are or not supported
- supports BYOD, COBO, COPE, single purpose device managements (COSU)
- let IT Admins to manage privacy, policies, apps/content deployment with an easy UX
Our team can support OEM manufacturers with a specific version of Ermetix MDM Agent and it is open to support custom features, too.