Unified Endpoint Management
combined with the protection of
Mobile Threat Defense
Ermetix is a Software as a Service 100% Made in Italy, which combines a Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) to the Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) and offers to companies and public administrations the ability to manage, monitor and protect their "fleet" of Android , iOS and Windows devices.
Massive Zero-Touch remote deployment
Policy and restrictions management
Automation and scheduling
Apps management, distribution & kiosk
Advanced anti-malware protection
CyberThreat Intelligence
Safe browsing and firewall
Anti-phishing protection

Two needs, one solution
The management and protection of devices is enclosed in the completeness of Ermetix.
Endpoint Management (MDM/EMM/UEM) and Threat Defense (MTD) coexist, for the first time, in a single SaaS in cloud solution, 100% made in Italy.
Threat Defense
Mobile Threat Defense (MTD) is a set of tools designed to protect devices from external and internal threats while monitoring how they are used. MTD is a fundamental tool for companies as it allows the security of their data, the correct configuration of corporate cyber security and the detection of possible intrusions and viruses. Thanks to the use of sophisticated technologies based on Machine Learning, Ermetix is able to is able to detect and block even the newest and most sophisticated threats.
Endpoint Management
Ermetix is both a Mobile Device Management solution (MDM), thanks to the support to Android and Apple devices, and a Unified Endpoint Management solution, thanks to the support to Microsoft Windows devices. In fact Ermetix allows you to manage multiple devices with different operating systems from a single admin panel. It also allows not only the remote management of the device but also facilitates the administrator in setting the rules of use, restrictions and settings in addition to monitoring their status.

What makes Ermetix different from others Unified Endpoint Management solutions?
Ermetix is a UEM (Unified Endpoint Management), EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management) and MDM (Mobile Device Management) entirely developed in Italy and is proposed as the only solution on the market that can adapt to different scenarios by ensuring the safety of devices thanks to the MTD (Mobile Threat Defense) module.
Ermetix allows you to distribute apps, files and other resources to your organization’s devices, while ensuring optimal operation.
Ermetix gives you a set of tools that can manage all the devices in your organization in an automated and granular way.
Thanks to its perfect integration with the various operating systems, Ermetix offers you a series of tools that allow you to monitor the main indicators of the devices of your organization allowing you, when necessary, to intervene remotely directly and in real time in the most disparate situations (e.g. theft, loss, viruses, etc...).
Thanks to sophisticated Mobile Threat Defense systems, based on Machine Learning, Ermetix can protect your organization’s devices both from known threats, such as Trojans and Ransonwares, and unknown threats (Zero Day Malwares), all complying with the requirements of the European regulation of the GDPR.
What devices does Ermetix manage?
Ermetix is the only Italian UEM solution validated by Android Enterprise and Samsung Knox for the remote management of mobile devices.
Ermetix allows you to manage iOS, iPadOS, tvOS and soon macOS devices with the integration of Apple services like ABM and VPP for a simple and intuitive management.
Ermetix provides a simplified remote management for Windows devices and also it integrates seamlessly with Azure and Microsoft Business Store services.